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YMMV / Doctor Who S31 E12 "The Pandorica Opens"

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  • Aluminium Christmas Trees: The Stonehenge was built some time between 2000 and 3000 BC, meaning its builders were at least as distant from us as this episode, so it's not unreasonable for it to be in an advanced state of disrepair as portrayed in the episode. It's a little unreasonable that it would look exactly the same in the episode as it does today, though.
  • Genius Bonus: The Roman commander knowing River's disguise is a lie due to Cleopatra already being dead is amusing. What makes it even funnier - and goes completely unmentioned - is that Cleopatra died in 30 BC - 131 years before the that conversation is set. To put that into perspective, that's like someone in 2020 tricking the US military into thinking they're Jefferson Davis.
