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YMMV / Definitely, Maybe

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  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • Will and Sarah/Emily not being "in-sync" with each other was emphasized a lot during much of their relationship. They became more "in-sync" with each other after their divorce.
    • April is the one who made the Title Drop.
    • Emily/Sarah is responsible for Will meeting Summer/Natasha, while Summer/Natasha is the reason Will is reunited with (and later married to) Emily/Sarah. However, neither of them are involved in Will meeting April, whom he meets on his own before proposing to the former and meeting the latter.
    • When Will is telling the story, Maya who suddenly notices April, just as she (April) came into his life unexpectedly.
  • Fridge Horror: April's collection of copies of Jane Eyre with inscriptions in them. What if those books belong to people just like April? They might be searching everywhere for the book with their inscription in it because it means so much to them, but they'll never find it because April is hoarding them. Though maybe she plans on getting rid of them after she finds hers.
  • Friendly Fandoms: Despite comparisons between the two, the film is well-regarded by the How I Met Your Mother fanbase.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Two, when Will finds her father's book for April (though he keeps it for years) and when Will reveals to Maya that he doesn't regret his failed marriage because she resulted from it.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The film's comparisons to How I Met Your Mother only got more pronounced after HIMYM's Grand Finale, as the ending of the film is also remarkably similar to HIMYM's finale: The protagonist's kid's mother and the woman the protagonist considers his true love are different women. The only difference is that there's no death involved.
  • Squick: Some of Will's revelations struck some viewers as rather inappropriate things for a man to tell his ten-year old daughter.
