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YMMV / Child Bride

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  • Best Known for the Fanservice: Not exactly "fanservice", but the Skinny Dipping scene involving an 11-year-old girl is what the film is best known for. Granted, given that the scene alone is what caused the most controversy.
  • Bile Fascination: It was infamously dubbed as "Appalachian kiddie porn" by the minds behind Mystery Science Theater 3000, who refused to screen the film for their show as it had made them feel too sick to even consider it. Something that bad has to be seen to be believed.
  • Don't Shoot the Message: While there’s no excuse for this lurid exploitation film about it, child marriage laws are in fact a serious issue in the United States to this day, with several states allowing children to be legally married with no minimum age. Many activists are working to get this fixed, for obvious reasons.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The very idea of an adult trying to court a young preteen girl into marriage is made of this, perhaps significantly more so today than at the time it was made.
  • Values Dissonance: Say what you will about the attitudes of the time, it's also worth noting that the reason this movie could be made at all was the very lack of laws against child marriage that this film claimed to be decrying. Under today's laws, it would be very difficult to stage that "courting" shot of an adult kissing a preteen full on the lips for a movie now. It would most likely have to be done with the adult and preteen posing separately in front of green screens and being edited together in post-production. That's if the market permitted such a controversial scene to be portrayed at all.
