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YMMV / Anachronox

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The game was made as a Homage to Final Fantasy series. In 2005, Square Enix released Code Age Commanders, which features a plot point surprisingly similar to this game as seen in Timey-Wimey Ball trope in the main page.
  • Obvious Beta: The original game shipped with a number of rather obvous minor bugs. Pathing was an issue, causing characters to jitter around in circles or be unable to figure out how to get where they needed to for an ability, and the camera would often end up behind a character for a few seconds, blocking ones view or looking 'through' their chest. Most such bugs were minor and didn't have a significant impact on the game or enjoyability, but it does give a feeling that the game wasn't quite done
    • The most obvious example, which is a sort of good Game-Breaking Bug was the shields. The idea was that a shield would absorb a small amount of damage in battle before the character's hp took damage, and unlike health the barrier's would recharge to full after each battle. However, instead of adding a barrier of damage as intended instead the game simply increased the players health if it was lower the then maximum health of player + shield at the start of battle. This meant if any character took less damage then their shield could absorb in a battle they got to keep the extra health, effectively being healed. The mechanics of combat made it entirely possible for one character to never get targeted in a given battle, so the free 'healing' from this bug happened pretty often, and could add up enough to save using a healing potion or two.
    • There was also an issue with incomplete abilities. For instance Grumpos starts with a Yammer ability, all the players are told is that he could probably talk characters to death by yammering at them. The intent was for the ability to be a short duration stun when used, but it didn't work as advertised for all players. For some it would do nothing at all, making it a complete waste of time and resources to use. Considering the description provided some players presumed it was intended to be an instant death ability which usually missed.
    • Stun abilities from other characters had similar issues. Grumpos was simply the most obvious since he had no other abilities which he could use Bouge on for awhile, making the Yammer ability more tempting to use, and the in-game description left it so unclear what the ability was intended to do.
