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WMG / Old Man Logan

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What's up with Bruce?
I am one to believe that the reason why this version of Bruce Banner is such a repulsive monster is because he is in the early stages of being possessed by The One Below All, as seen in Immortal Hulk.

The point where Earth-616 diverged from the timeline Logan remembers... the start of Marvel NOW!. Possibly the arrival of the All-New X-Men from the past. The things Wolverine doesn't remember (Sam Wilson becoming Captain America, Steve Rogers getting old, Jane Foster being Thor, the existence of a second Spider-Man, the emergence of the new Ms Marvel, and his own death all happened after that point.
  • The problem is the Secret Wars miniseries shows Logan remembers Sam!Cap and Kamala, among others differences from the original Old Man Logan series.

The popularity of Disney's Frozen is the reason why the events of Old Man Logan happened
  • What happened when Disney's most popular Animated Musical became very popular? Red Skull used the songs from that to brainwash Everyone in the Marvel Universe.
  • This is a parody WMG, because almost any WMG needs at least one parody WMG.

Fates of other heroes and villains
  • Squirrel Girl: Possessed or tricked like Wolverine and tore several heroes apart before fleeing into the forests. Still at large 50 years later.
  • Deadpool: You kidding me? If you can break it, you can go through it. I don't stick around for Debbie-Downer crap like this. -sigh- But if I had to take part in this Negative-Nancy story, I'd just gather up as many surviving heroes that did NOT give up fighting, and I'd rally them to take down the villains that Logan did not get to, or something like that.
  • Franklin Richards: Kidnapped right before the attack commenced, and expiremented on for 50 years.
  • Killmonger: Essentially rules the African continent, having turned Wakanda into a tyrannical dictatorship.
