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WMG / Gravity Falls Locations

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Theories about the town of Gravity Falls and its areas.

Gravity Falls doesn't actually exist.
Or more specifically, it isn't an official village. After Trembly founded the area, due to people no longer viewing him as an official president (Despite him still being one due to not signing an official resignation), they ignored the town. So officially, Gravity Falls doesn't exist.
  • And, because Gravity Falls doesn't exist, it naturally draws in creatures that don't exist either! It all makes sense!

Gravity Falls is a computer simulation.
Mr and Mrs Pines were concerned that their children were spending too much time on the computer, so they sent them INTO the computer! The kids are inside a prototype video game- where Waddles of all things was the intended protagonist... Thanks to Mr. Pines' near-perfect programming and Mrs. Pines' astounding graphics, the kids think this is all very real!

Gravity Falls is a literal Ghost Town.
Once someone enters Gravity Falls, they can never go out, because while there are many ways to stumble upon it, it becomes very difficult to exit. Remember how in Irrational Treasure Dipper, Mabel, Trembley and the Cops were on their way to Washington, but never made it? And how the cops were apparently gone for the duration of Time Traveler's Pig but back during Summerween? That's because they never actually left Gravity Falls. Also, every tourist we see entering the Shack can still be seen in the town in later episodes, but doing different things. It's the kind of place that gives people goosebumps because people go into the woods, but never seem to come out.
  • What about that time when Stan went to the set of Cash Wheel?
    • It could be one of those locally made shows.
  • Possibly jossed as of Soos and the Real Girl, where Stan (and Goldie) went to Las Vegas and, based on the photo montage, were actually there.

Gravity Falls doesn't exist except for five people.
Of course Dipper and Mabel don't count, they're outsiders, not true residents of Gravity Falls. So we have four people, The author, Soos, Gideon, Stan, and Wendy. The creatures are real and just game pieces for this fight. Before hand, the author died to Wendy. Why?
  • "Trust No One!" There's no coincidence that Dipper, the brains between the twins got the book. It's the key to ending this power struggle. And who in the entire town would Dipper trust more than the woman he is in love with: Wendy.
  • Wendy is too tall and looks too old to be a 15 year old girl. Lumberjack genes aside, she has men going for her, Robbie and Dipper who are enemies merely because they want the same woman. What creature would have the same thing going? Wendy=Succubus, or as close as Disney would allow a Succubi.
  • Gideon is very reminiscent of another psychic child in a movie, the Twilight Zone where a little boy with psychic powers changed an entire town to everything he wanted and tortured people at will with his reality altering abilities. His favorite target? His parents. Who is suffering the most from Gideon? His mom. Gideon=Reality Warper.

Now, good guys, villains need their heroes right?

  • Soos, everyone typically agrees that Soos knows more than he lets on. He helps the kids, actually shows an interest in them beyond the immediate and even guides them at times. It's quite possible that he's ultimately the force that led Dipper to the book. Combined with Bill noting Soos especially in Dreamscaperers, I think I know Soos' position. Soos=Guide
  • Now for Grunkle Stan. He's a creep, a jerk, and a borderline crook right. He's not what he seems. He's in a dream town, surrounded by idiots, why not look hopeless and tricked and have some fun with it? Even heroes need fun. He also helps train Dipper in his own way. Think of it as Disney friendly Training from Hell. Stan=Teacher/Mentor
  • Now for the author. I believe he's a neutral entity that realized that he was dying thanks to a succubus and reality warper and wrote the journals to combat them and with his dying breath gave them some power. Soos is possibly his son. Stan would probably have been a friend with Wendy being a demon they summoned for whatever reason and Gideon joined in later for a power struggle that Dipper and Mabel got stuck in the middle of with Dipper chosen to be a savior type.

There is an Insanity curse on Gravity falls.
The rest of the world is normal like ours, but a curse makes everyone in Gravity falls varying levels of crazy. It is possible to be affected by this curse by being born there, living there for a certain amount of time, or being descended from inhabitants. Mabel received the curse, but Dipper didn't, or is only affected by it minutely. The curse stems from Quentin Trembly being frustrated by the rest of America not taking him seriously, so after he founded Gravity falls he summoned Bill Cypher and requested that he make the rest of the world understand him. Bill Cypher agreed, but only the town was affected because it took a while for the curse to spread, and during that time Quentin was sealed in peanut brittle, causing the curse to be contained only to the town.

Gravity Falls is an artificial Eldritch Location created by a men-in-black like organization for dumping dangerous items.
The series already has established time police characters, and one can often be seen somewhere. It has been established that those characters are trying to maintain their time-line. The kind of secrecy required for that kind of goal would necessitate a men-in-black like organization. The organization probably encounters loads of random unstable junk that could be a threat. It's practically a rule.

So they created a location to dump certain things that could be a threat, in the manner of Warehouse 13. The town is a secret place created by a secret organization to get rid of stuff that can't be destroyed and is extremely dangerous. That explains why the town is so weird. The odds are that someone probably noticed all the bizarre items, and started cataloging them, in the style that this wiki does. The secret organization found out about him, and eliminated him. That's why book 3 stops in the middle. He knew he was being followed, and hid the books so they couldn't be destroyed.

Gravity Falls exists in some sort of time warp
  • Dipper and Mabel are supposedly only living in GF for the summer, but there's a lot of stuff going on to fit into three months. It's even more true if you factor in stuff like Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained and Mabel's Guide to Life; even if you figure that weird stuff happens every three days or so, that still takes up most of the time. And it's implied in multiple episodes that lots of stuff is also happening offscreen. It could be played off as taking place over three months, but "Gideon Rising" implies that Dipper and Mabel weren't expecting to go home any time soon, meaning there's likely at least another month of summer to go, meaning that the events of all of season 1, the in-between videos, and presumably season 2 all take place during the same summer. Obviously, this means that Gravity Falls exists in some sort of time-dilation field that causes time to pass differently within the town, meaning that summer lasts a lot longer. Or everyone is just really really busy, but where's the fun in that?

Gravity Falls does not exist to normal people.
I'm not sure how well I'll be able to word this, and it might have been said before, but I was thinking about it. So what I'm thinking is that there's some sort of supernatural barrier surrounding Gravity Falls. There are a few ways that people can get into it: you were born there, you've been there before, or you have some relation to those who live there. It does not exist on maps until you've been there. Other barriers like this exist and are scattered across the world — those who live in one can see and visit all the others. The supernatural and paranormal can only live in such barriers, but can leave for less than 24 hours, or a full revolution of the Earth. Even though it can't be seen or accessed by most, there are very, very few who are chosen to be able to enter and exit at will, no matter if you lived there or not. Quentin Trembly is one of them, as is Old Man McGucket. The government is aware of Gravity Falls, but how to enter it has been eluding them. Bill Cipher can choose who can enter and exit Gravity Falls, and is essentially a (non-benevolent) godlike figure to it, and can revoke such abilities whenever he wants.
  • Why is there a regular bus route going in and out of town then?
    • Gravity Falls could be like Silent Hill: To most people, it is a normal town, albeit one with stranger-than-normal inhabitants. To the "right" people, however, the weirdness is revealed; in Silent Hill, that's anyone with sin or guilt weighing them down, while in Gravity Falls the "right" people might be those who are already primed to absorb the weirdness, ex. supernatural geeks like Dipper or a Cloudcuckoolander like Mabel. The bus is there because there's nothing preventing anyone from physically leaving or entering Gravity Falls, but only "special" people can see what's really going on. While Silent Hill is being influenced by Samael and Metatron, an angel and demon respectively, Gravity Falls is the way it is due to the influence of its own otherworldly power: Bill Cipher.

In Gravity Falls, something in the local environment has caused genetic mutations in families originating from there.
Some people have an unusual number of fingers on each hand (4 or 6), and yet other people have the normal 5 fingers on each hand. While this is definitely something strange and mysterious, it isn't usually discussed because 1) it would be considered rude to point out physical deformities, and 2) people with the unusual hands are used to them.

Gravity Falls was built on top of a hellmouth.
This might just be because I've been mentally mashing up the GF theme song and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme song, but I think it's worth putting out there.
  • Confirmed!...sorta. Stanford (The author of the journals) theorizes that Gravity Falls is a weak point between this and another "dimension of weirdness" and this weak spot allows the weirdness to leak in to our dimension. so basically the same concept

Gravity Falls is in the same universe as Night Vale.
The government agents searching for the portal in Gravity Falls are from the same vague, yet menacing government agency that is investigating Night Vale. Bill Cipher is an ally of the Smiling God and needs the portal to help bring the Smiling God into our reality after StrexCorp was defeated in Night Vale, thus stopping the Smiling God from entering reality at that location. Helped by the fact that supposedly Cecil Baldwin is going to voice a character in Season 3 of Gravity Falls.

The Mystery Shack is sentient.
The changes to the shack are not continuity errors, The Mystery Shack is literally changing its appearance based on mood. In fact the building has all sorts of emotions including affection towards Grunkle Stan.

Gravity Falls is a Genius Loci.
The area itself is sentient, and all of the supernatural creatures are linked to it, if not outright controlled by it; that's why there's so many weird things packed into a relatively small town and its outskirts, and it's able to affect the inhabitants over extended periods of time, explaining why they're all a little... off. The kids and teens, having had less time to be exposed to Gravity Falls, are still largely unaffected by it, which is why they're comparatively normal and more like kids or teens from outside town; Gideon might be an exception, possibly having a stronger susceptibility to Gravity Falls than others and thus being affected by it earlier and to a greater degree. Moreover, Bill Cipher is not an independent being, but merely the manifestation of Gravity Falls itself. That's why he sees so many things: He's everywhere that Gravity Falls is! It might also be limited to the natural areas, so it might not be able to see inside buildings without some other way in, ex. pictures of Bill or the eye symbol, explaining why the knots on many of the trees look like eyes. Add that to Word of God saying that Bill can see through the Fourth Wall, and that means that while you're watching Gravity Falls, Gravity Falls is watching YOU.

That church from Land Before Swine belonged to an anti-Cipher faction.
It's stationed far from the town proper, surrounded by trees, and looks like it's long abandoned; while the main window is broken, it has a round, flower-like motif, not the eye-in-triangle design. Perhaps that church was a place where people could seek refuge from Cipher and his ever-present eye, but fell into disrepair as Bill was forgotten or the people who met there dwindled in number. It seems odd to build a church directly atop an abandoned mine network, particularly one where people disappeared, but the mines could have been discovered after the church's abandonment, possibly when they attempted to tear it down and put up something new.

The town of Gravity Falls was actually named after the prophecy.
"When gravity falls and earth becomes sky, fear the beast with just one eye." This would mean that McGucket wasn't the first to recite it.
  • Confirmed, its revealed to be part of an ancient writing about Bill, that Stanford found in cave (the same one that led to him summoning Bill).

Gravity Falls is actually a dimensional prison
More specifically, the alien spacecraft that crashed there millions of years ago and contained the highly advanced, reality-rending technology used to make the Portal also had some sort of space-time corruption containment field so that its very existence wouldn't open up reality like a zipped. Its presence effectively turned the entire valley into a trap for anomalies.

Ironically, the very thing that allowed Bill Cipher to enter this universe also restrained him from conquering it.
