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WMG / Cookie Clicker

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The Grannies were eldritch abominations before the Grandmapocalypse happened
Considering they can appear as solid gold, light and antimatter, be able to work tirelessly, and have huge disregard for human decency, they seem to be beyond our grasp from the beginning.

The game is allegory for corporate Greed, and how it affects both you and the people around you
Think about it, you start out small and unknown, and eventually become the best Cookie distributor, however, your thirst for power and fame pushes you further and further until things get out of control.

You own a cloning machine
Which is why you can get endless Grannies, as well as ones to work in your other buildings

  • Partially confirmed, though it's implied you only get it after buying the "You" upgrade

In-Universe, you wanted to be a baker, but never was able to achieve it due to abusive people and uncaring friends
The Player character was bullied for this, and eventually decided to steal grandmas (or clone their own) to bake for him. The P.C. slowly goes insane with power, seeking revenge towards the people who ignored him.

There's no such thing as a Cookieverse
The portals you've been buying actually lead to universes that have been destroyed by the Grandmapocalypse. The Grandmas are actually The Empire on a scale comparable to The Combine, and you're their method from spreading from one universe to another. Every time you ascend, it's because the Grandmas have extracted as many resources as they can and have sent you to the next universe to open the doors from within.
  • If that's the case, then it's impossible to even imagine the ramifications of the Idleverses. The Grandmatriarchs gain even more omnipresence due to the Player Character considering ransacking the Idleverses to be a righteous imperative. They believe that they must take all the riches from the other Idleverses as soon as possible in order to gain massive influence and prevent others from doing the same. The result? The Cookie Empire becomes one of the greatest empires in all of fiction, absorbing multiverses seemingly limitlessly.

Past a certain point, the PC is just a figurehead.
Let's face it, eventually you reach the point where the buildings are making far more cookies than you can make by clicking. At that point you can, if you so choose, abstain from creating any of your own cookies.

New flavours of milk
Since the game is ongoing, it's likely that more flavours of milk will be added in the future. Here are some possible flavours:
  • Lemon milk - Watch this space
  • Watermelon milk - Sort of, with "Melon"
  • Toffee milk - We'll see
  • Fudge milk - To be determined
  • Lychee milk - Perhaps
  • Grape milk - Maybe
  • Apple milk - Mayhaps
  • Peach milk - Confirmed!
  • Almond milk - It could happen
  • Kiwi milk - One of these days
  • Starfruit milk - Not yet
