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Video Game / Alice in the Mirrors of Albion

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Alice in the Mirrors of Albion (or simply Mirrors of Albion) is an Alice in Wonderland-inspired Hidden Object Game developed by Game Insight for Android in 2012.

The player carries the role of a police detective in Albion, a Fantasy Counterpart of 19th Century London, and as you patrol the city to investigate the disappearance of Alice Fleming, you find yourself increasingly tangled in countless of mysterious intrigues.

You must then uncover these mysteries and strange happenings with the help of both fairy tale and original characters, such as the Cheshire cat, the Mad Hatter, and many others.

The game contains examples of:

  • Adaptational Badass: Several characters from the original source materials have been re-imagined into cool hardasses (albeit with slight eccentricities) in the game. For example, Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum are now weapon inventors, while the Hatter is a police informant.
  • Alice Allusion: The game is based on Alice in Wonderland. Many characters from Lewis Carroll's book (including, but not limited to, the Cheshire cat, the Hatter and Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum) appear in the game in some capacity, and the disappearance of Alice is one of the central mysteries that the player must solve.
  • Anthropomorphic Food: Some of the bonus "criminals" that appear during Thanksgiving include a roast turkey and a pumpkin pie.
  • Battleaxe Nurse: Mildred, the nurse who apparently runs Albion's hospital, is so menacing that the citizens would rather try questionable folk remedies than go to Nurse Mildred for treatment.
  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: As the game progresses, it becomes increasingly more difficult to unlock locations and find collection items without using crystals. And, of course, you would need to pay real money to quickly obtain enough crystals. The Mirror World are even worse, as the crystal-based transactions are replaced with direct cash-based system. At least crystals can be obtained for free (via leveling up, daily rewards, patrol rewards, etc.), even though it's painstakingly slow to accumulate large amounts of it.
  • Crossover Relatives: The game turns the Little Red Riding Hood (named Letitia Redd) into the Mad Hatter's niece.
  • Fairy Tale Free-for-All: Although Mirrors of Albion is primarily based on Alice in Wonderland, it also features some characters and elements from other fairy tales as well, including the Little Red Ridinghood, the big bad wolf, and Snow White.
  • Freemium Timer: Exploring the various places in the game takes a heavy toll on the players wallet and/or free time.
    • Searching a location consumes from 15 to several hundreds energy points, and it takes 1:30 minutes to collect one energy. Of course, the player can spend money to buy food items to refill the bar faster.
    • Similarly, the patrolling duties requires 10 stamina points to make a move, while the player has a limit of 150 stamina points (which cannot be increase through leveling up, unlike the energy bar).
    • Locations in the Mirror World, on the other hand, has cooldown timers that prevents the players from immediately revisiting a location after searching through them, although paying cash can speed up the process.
  • Funny Animal: Several NPCs that the player encounter have the physicality of animals, but otherwise talk and behave like human beings. Examples include the Cheshire cat, Walrus, and Lucinda van Seale.
  • Funny Foreigner: Otto von Strudel the German Psychotherapist is a recluse who is considered strange by even the Hatter. He resides in a door-less house, and to visit him, the player must build a hand-glider to fly in through the window.
  • Holiday Mode: The game has seasonal events, usually held around national holidays (such as Valentine, Easter, Halloween, etc.), which offers special quests, locations, monsters, etc. that are only available for about 1-2 weeks around that particular period.
  • Killer Teddy Bear: One of the Bosses that the player can fight is an old teddy bear, who haunts Jane Wright's bathroom after being forgotten by her.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything: Besides searching locations for clues, patrolling the area and apprehending bad guys, the player character is also expected to help run errands for the locals and help solve their personal problems and relationship issues, which includes: preparing meals, finding missing trinkets, playing matchmaker, etc.
  • Mirror World: There exists a Mirror Albion, which provides the player with an entirely new, but reminiscent, set of locations to explore, and quests to complete. The Mirror world has a slightly different gameplay from the original setting, and has a completely separate measurement for level, currency system and inventory items.
  • Monster Clown: Duke Nuf the circus clown is an evil clown who deliberately performs joyless attractions to invoke depression and despair to the Albion citizens.
  • Premium Currency: Diamonds and Cash.
    • Diamonds are typically used to buy food (to fill up the Freemium Timer), special amulets, chests, weapons, and keys to unlock new locations. They can be obtained in-game from leveling up, doing street patrols, and completing certain quests, but the amount obtained from the gameplay is rarely enough to buy the more useful items. Of course, paying real money would remedy that.
    • The second currency is "Cash", which is used in the Mirror World for the same purpose as diamonds (i.e. speed up timer, purchase amulets and so on). Unlike diamonds, however, Cash cannot be obtained in-game, and can only be purchased using real money.
  • Punny Name: The Mirror World guide is a white rabbit named Lewis Carrot, an obvious parody to Lewis Carroll.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Whenever a Sale event is about to expire, Cheshire would pop up with huge, teary eyes, begging the player to buy the set he's worked so hard to prepare.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In the Albion 'verse, Letitia "Red Ridinghood" is the Mad Hatter's niece.
