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Tropers / Zodiacx 3

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I like to write words.

I like Godzilla.

Hopefully soon I will be a Published Author. In the official capacity. That would be cool because then I can share my stuff and you can read it. I hope you like it.

I like cheese of all kinds. My favorite currently is Pepperjack cheese. I like Pizza and steak. Prime rib and tacos also Franks Hot Sauce the stuff can go with anything.

I am not a social being, not really. Sometimes I am. Most of the time I am not.

I also believe I invented Creepypasta stories. I have no proof or evidence. I'll just take the credit for it.

I also like Final Fantasy games even Mystic Quest.

I like Horror movies and science fiction, some comedy.

Influences. I was inspired to write by those of Tolkien, Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard. However, my inspiration comes from everything. It even comes from you.

That is it for now.

I am 30 years old. I believe in monsters. I will always believe in them.
