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Tropers / Thedragonchick

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Thedragonchick, who is a Starving Artist sans the starving part. Her life has been successfully Ruined by TV Tropes, and she does not regret it in the least. A Jack-of-All-Trades, she bides her time researching zombies and rabies, reading, writing, sewing, cooking, arguing with people about biology, having existential crises, and nursing small furry things back to health.

She writes stuff. She may take requests, but refuses to do Slash on principle that it is 'not her thing'. Otherwise, she's open to any ideas you want to swing at her.

An unofficial expert on various horrible, brain-eating/internal hemorrhaging/clotting factor deactivating viruses. Don't sit with her at the dinner table. Also an unofficial expert on zombies, (of various types) Parkour, Trope Speak, and the care and maintenance of chickens.
