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Tropers / Springjack

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Describe Springjack here.

That's difficult.

Well, I'm an amateur writer. Emphasis on amateur. I love fantasy and Sci-Fi, even if they are obvious ghettoes and I could probably do something more "serious".

I've got one work available on the Internet: The Horned Crusade. Its not quite something I'm proud of, as I find the writing shoddy and due to the way I was posting it, I left some obvious holes. Its dead now, due to Creator Breakdown.

The Horned Crusade includes prominent examples of:

  • Chris Carter Effect- I won't lie, I was making up a lot of it on the fly. And no, I doubt I could have wrapped up everything in a timely Fashion
  • Darker and Edgier- Okay, maybe not in comparison with stuff like Warhammer. But with most of the fantasy I've read, especially High Fantasy, its on the cynic's side of the silding scale
  • Our Elves are Different- That's actually how the whole thing got thought up. I imagined a weird mish-mash of African stereotypes with Elves (making the Hada/Bnkonga), and subverted the "real" Elves (The Aelfir) into something like a Grimmification of The Fair Folk.
  • Cannibal Clan-The aforemention African Elves are big on cannibalism. Closer to Heinlein's Martians, but I can't seem to find the trope for that.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus- And how. There is a vaguely Christian Church, worshipping a horned Jesus, Mass is called the Carnal Mass, and holy water has a description similar to blood. May also qualify as Hijacked by Jesus because most of the stuff is a mash up of vaguely pagan ideas put into a Jesus figure. (The Carnal Mass, for example, gives cooked beef flesh, ala Greek sacrifice.)
  • Corrupt Church The Church of Orim is mainly just there to pad the fortunes of the nation of Orim.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same- Subverted, I would say. Dwarves are, in the world of the Horned Crusade, Jews. Religiously, they resemble Discworld's Dwarves, which is something I was surprised to find out (never read anything about it). Basically, they have an ill-defined God (actually Pi) which rules the world from "in between the lines." Close to Geometric Magic, but with a much more algebraic bent.
  • Nightmare Fuel- The female prophet of the Hada, Lmumba, was always menstruating. Got a lot of No. Just... No from female readers.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture-And how. Orim was a mash up of Spain with the Papal States, Lugdim was a more Celtic Britain (mixed with Puritans), Lochaby was France, the Wehrwulfen were Germans, etc..... I like to think I handled it well, with slight changes here and there, but I don't know.

Tropifying my own work is actually kind of tiring.

Anyways, my current fiction projects include (not available to general public) a Marvel fanfic called "Stark Earth" and a space fantasy I'm calling "Everflux" for now.
