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Tropers / Skadesama

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Hello. Hola. Salut.

This is Skadesama's page. In others sites, I am "Skadichan". Check here for my accounts.

I am not sure if I can to call myself "contributor". Sometimes I go to check the WMG pages some the fandoms I have interest, I wonder "There are a lot of crazy ideas... Maybe I can to put my crazy ideas too".

Sometimes I feel TV Tropes get a LOT of time in my life. Anyway, this site is so great!!!

This troper provides examples of:

  • Nightmare Fetishist: I am not sure if I am crazy or very OPEN MIND. As the people who I admire!
  • Omniglot: Spanish, English, French and some German and a few of Japanese. Sometimes, my blogs have Bilingual Bonus
  • Stoic Woobie: Possibly.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: And Bara, too. With strange themes. Check above.

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