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Tropers / Reuknighted

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Hello! I'm a Troper who finally decided to make an account on here after exploring the site for nearly 2 or so years, all starting near the end of 9th grade when I found the site while I was on the internet.

The character I like usually changes whenever I get introduced to a new series or find one while online. I especially like ghost or robot characters.

Tropes That Apply To Me, I Think

Apologizes a Lot: I'm trying to break the habit, but it's difficult. I look forward to the day I can remove this entry.

Author Appeal: Okay, where to start with this...

Really, this list could go on, but if I did go on, we'd be here all day.

Myers–Briggs: INTJ/INFP (I've gotten either one)

The Quiet One: I only talk with those I'm comfortable with. Also, with the stuff I explained in the aforementioned "Motor Mouth" entry, I write better than I talk.
