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Tropers / Pyromaniac 1337

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Newbie contributor from Canada. Expert on the Star Wars RTS Empire at War and its expansion, Forces of Corruption. Started out with a failed contribution to the More Dakka page, which has been rectified with no flame war, and has since added information for Empire at War to a number of trope pages including, but not limited to, Another Side, Another Story, Arbitrary Headcount Limit, More Dakka, and Critical Existence Failure, and has now finished his mission to look through every VG-related trope, though does not know if all of his additions are still intact.

Also on The Escapist as Pyromaniac1337, and on East, though not on very often. Also often goes by the name TimberWolf, such as on mostly-unknown forums like Sonic Vegemite, Sprite Wars, and Mystical Forest Zone (note: Banned from all 3, SV because of stupidity years ago, SW because the Staff are assholes, and MFZ is temporary until September 2011, because the Staff are EVIL assholes).
