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Tropers / Namiya Maynar

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Describe Namiya Maynar here...

Alternatively, try to describe a Recording Engineer who runs through books in the same way most people try to balance a healthy social life... all while giving your clients/unsuspecting victims the bird for being a hopeless bunch of twats. Or a cheerful, somewhat optimistic misanthrope.

Nah, just kidding. I love most of those guys.

The fact that most musicians find themselves forced to record (when yours truly is given the Producer/Nanny hat) ten or sometimes even as much as a dozen songs in 14 days or less is the way I demonstrate my tender side. Overall, we'll get along just fine if we do our jobs handsomely, okay?

This Troper is a textbook example of:

Oh, and a simple, valuable tip for musicians in general. Unless you have practised enough to make a session musician shiver in fear, please save the shtick for when it matters, 'kay?

Lovely. As you were, and take care out there!
