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Tropers / Midnight Hikari

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Hello, how are you today? Me? Why, I'm doing fine, thank you.

Now that the introductions are over, I can finally stop being formal.

Yoh! What's up people?! I adore being snarky and sarcastic, but I will be formal at first as you can see. I will not hesitate to bite you to death of you threaten any of my friends and/or family. No seriously, ask the last moron who did.

I'd be totally fibbing if I didn't say I like RPGs and Anime. That's pretty much the reason why I'm here. It's to spread the insanity we call life to others like me and you.

Eh? You want to know about my name and why I chose it? Well it's for one simple reason: I ran out of ideas.

Catch me on You Tube, Fan, D Gray Divinity, and Gaia Online.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Also, I lost The Game .
