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Tropers / Les Mizzie 16

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Simply a Canadian teenage troper who is obsessed beyond all reason with A Song of Ice and Fire, the book series which helped her regain her interest in reading. Aside from that, she reads books from other people, watches a ton of television shows (and has been told that she has great taste in television), and considers herself a movie buff. She does not have much of a life outside of fandoms and schoolwork. Her tumblr is here

A huge fan of the following:

- A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones

- Doctor Who

- The Hunger Games

- Sherlock

- Supernatural

- Harry Potter

- Community

- The Avengers

- Downton Abbey

- The Lord of the Rings

- The Hobbit

- The Dark Knight Saga

- Breaking Bad

- Mad Men

- Once Upon a Time

- American Horror Story

- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (though I've only seen two-and-three-quarter seasons of it)

- Firefly

- Wicked

- Les Miserables

- The Phantom Of The Opera

- John Green (particularly Looking For Alaska and Paper Towns)

- Disney

- Homeland

- LOST (though I've really just started it)

- The Borgias

- Skyfall

So, as you can see, a lot, and she's always looking to get into new ones. This troper is also a reformed Gleek (who called it quits after the breakup of Klaine, which was the only thing keeping her watching it), and has been sorted into Ravenclaw and House Tully by various quizzes. She'll try to think of some tropes about herself, but for now, this is her page.

Thanks for visiting.
