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Tropers / Dragonfi

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Hi, I'm mostly a lurker here, although I recently started to make a few edits her-and-there.

My interest are Touhou, hard science fiction, fantasy, Slice of Life, Mind Screw, and other stuff.

I'm also dabbling in being a Game Master so, you may see me running a forum-RPG in the near future

Pages created:

Currently playing: Maid RPG [1] (If you wonder about my forum appearance...)

List of previous signatures:

"A maid is a mythical being that all of us have heard about, but have never seen." —ZUN

"Part of the awkwardly dressed, luminous and highly reflective infiltrator squad." (to complement Karina)

Maids, vampires, tea, what else do you need? (A FunnyBackgroundEvent?) (to complement Karina)
