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Tropers / Afterword

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If you happen to be looking at this, hi! I'm Afterword (she/they) and I'm just kinda here, I guess.

I'm a library assistant who's been inhaling various types of media most of my life and gets way too analytical at times, so this is a pretty nice place for me to hang out.

Spicy Takes:

  • It's absolutely adorable that we have tropes dedicated to gameplay mechanics in video/board/tabletop roleplaying games. Obviously they're not actually tropes (because they have nothing to do with storytelling) but I appreciate that they're there to keep people from shoehorning absolutely irrelevant shit into real tropes.
  • If I could, I would completely remove the ability to write in bold on this website. I realize it has its uses, but I feel like it's most commonly used by people who never outgrew their elementary-school "omg this is so awesome" phase, don't seem to realize that hyperbole is usually a bad thing in the context of this website, and generally need their typing privileges revoked.
  • While there are reasons to not use foldercontrol on pages with folders, they are few and far between, and honestly if you can't be arsed to include it on an average folderized page, I have no idea what you think you're doing.
