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Trivia / The Completionist

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  • Creator's Favorite Episode: In the 2014 NormalBoots Panel at SGC, Greg states that his favourite episode is "Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow", and Jirard states that his is "Dark Souls".
  • Executive Meddling:
    • Jirard pinned his Retool of the show down to alterations in YouTube algorithms, and has indicated that the show's format will continue to change in tandem with said algorithms.
    • After the purge inflicted by Greg, Jirard began "New Game Plus", a show where replays all 120 of the games he played for the first 120 episodes.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: On September 1st 2017, every video featuring Greg was removed at his demand, under threat of legal action. Jirard kept them up for a month to allow people to download them and do what they wanted with them, except post them on YouTube. The fans have compiled them on a few MEGA folders, torrents, and even the Archive site for those interested.
  • The Other Darrin: In the evil Xbox 360's first appearance, it's voiced by Dodger, but Lucahjin takes over for its return.
  • Schedule Slip: Due to allegations in regards to misappropriated charity funds, The Completionist went on a sudden hiatus starting after his New Game Plus release of Shovel Knight, November 11th 2023. After a response video, he came out with a few videos since then, but all signs point to them having at least started production prior to the controversy.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: In mid-2017, Jirard received an email from Greg demanding that all videos featuring him and/or his likeness be removed; Jirard went through with this on September 1st. A couple of months after the charity fraud allegations against Jirard came to light on November 2023, Greg would go on to clarify in a Reddit post that he demanded the old videos with him to be taken down to avoid association, since he had a feeling that Jirard and his family would wind up in controversy after he left.
