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Trivia / Speed Racer: The Next Generation

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  • Christmas Rushed: The production of the 1st 3 episodes were rushed heavily in order to be released at nearly the same week as the release of the live-action movie, and the franchise's 40th anniversary. It didn't hinder the quality of it compared to the rest of the show, but the characters' shading was scrapped except for scenes with dramatic lighting, and there are a few Aftereffects layering errors.
  • Dueling Dubs: The show has been dubbed three times in Latin America:
    • The first dub was commissioned by Viacom Media and it was recorded on SDI Media, México. This dub only aired on Nickelodeon Latin America and it only covered the first season.
    • The second dub was commissioned by a Videomax and it was recorded on The Dubbing Maker, Mexico. This dub was recorded around the same time the Viacom dub and it's only available on the Mexican DVD release. Just like the Viacom dub, it only covered the first season.
    • The third dub was commissioned by Imira Entertainment and it was recorded at Bita, Mexico. This dub is currently available on Pluto TV.
      • All three dubs had many of the same voice actors but on different roles, with the exception of Ricardo Bautista who voices Conor on both the Videomax dub and the Imira dub.
  • International Co Production: The series was originally animated by Animation Collective in New York, with animation assistance from Canadian studios Fatkat Animation Studios, Huminah Huminah Animation and Collideascope Digital Productions; Season 2 would switch companies to Toonz Animation India, with assistance from Chinese subcontractors.
  • No Budget - Pretty much. The original anime appears very dated and scratched up by today's standards too, but for its time, its budget was normal for Japan.
  • The Other Darrin - With Peter Fernandez dead, they replaced him with another actor for Spritle and Speed Sr. for Season Two.
  • Posthumous Credit: Michal Friedman died in November 2011 before the rest of the episodes aired. Thankfully, her recordings were done before her untimely death.
  • Schedule Slip - The main issue with the series is how long they air the episodes, especially during the second season.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Susan and Stan were Caucasian instead of the Asian skin they had in the final. Also, Susan's original last name was Warner and wasn't handicapped.
    • Jared was going to wear a trench coat, but this was changed as it caused problems while animating.
    • Conor was originally blonde.
    • Chim-Chim was actually going to be an actual ape like the original.
    • Some of Annalise's designs took more cues directly from Trixie.
