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Trivia / Shadow Warrior (1997)

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  • Dummied Out: Some stuff that was left out can be found in the comments of the source code. For example, it was once planned that the player loses health and becomes at least temporarily blind if he has Night Vision Goggles activated while using a Flash Bomb or The Nuke.
  • Rereleased for Free: For the release of Shadow Warrior 2 in August 2016, the MS-DOS version of Shadow Warrior became permanently available for free on Steam, GOG and ZOOM.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The original conception of the game was much straighter than what we eventually got. The wise-cracking protagonist and lashings of adult humour were only added after the success of Duke Nukem 3D.
    • In a leaked beta version, when the player used the fists, sometimes the protagonist would deliver a kick (a palette-swapped leg from Duke Nukem 3D would appear, with blue replaced with brown to make it more fitting to the character), but this was cut out.
