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Trivia / Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen

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  • Development Gag: The Cybermen threatening the Fourth Doctor depart from the conceit that each Doctor is attacked by "his" Cybermen by being apparently based on the version designed for the unmade 30th anniversary special "The Dark Dimension" (a Fourth-centric story about the Doctor's timeline being rewritten). The War Doctor - since there obviously isn't a "War Doctor Era" Cyberman design - faces Cybermen based on an early concept for the "Age of Steel" versions, featuring a notably radical departure form the standard Cyberman outline.
  • Schedule Slip: A truly embarrassing case: The final issue of Titan's previous multi-Doctor miniseries Four Doctors hit stands two weeks late, which may be why this was announced as a biweekly release rather than a weekly one. Part One hit stands July 6, 2016 and Part Five was to arrive August 31st. Then Part Two wasn't released until August 17, a whopping month-and-a-half after Part One. Ultimately, most people didn't see the conclusion of this story until November 16, meaning an event that should have been one-and-a-half months long took over five.
