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Trivia / Doctor Who S23 E1 "The Mysterious Planet"

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  • Author's Saving Throw: One of the most widespread criticisms of Season 22 was levied against the Sixth Doctor's more acidic characterization compared to previous incarnations, with some folks (including the actors) particularly taking ire at his constant bickering with Peri. As a result, this story (and the rest of the season) significantly tones down the Doctor's arrogance and makes his relationship with Peri more amiable.
  • Creator Backlash: Joan Sims and Colin Baker didn’t like the story, with Baker annoyed with his "junkyard, railyard", remarks.
  • Deleted Scene: The fourth episode overran, so to compensate, several segments were removed or trimmed, including some material from the courtroom. This included what should have been the second trial scene, in which the Valeyard observes the Doctor revealing confidential Gallifreyan information to Peri and the Inquisitor asks the Doctor why he visited Ravolox in the first place. A later loss was the Valeyard's pronouncement that Humker and Tandrell would have repaired the system problem themselves were it not for the Doctor's interference, and the Doctor noting that the situation on Ravolox had endangered the entire universe.
  • Pop-Culture Urban Legends: It continues to be stated as fact by otherwise perfectly accurate sources to this day that "Valeyard" is an obsolete term meaning "Doctor of law", the intention being to foreshadow the character's true identity. The word is completely meaningless; the source of this claim was allegedly Robert Holmes himself, so either it was a joke that got lost in translation or he didn't want to admit he'd just made the word up.
  • Recycled Script: In many ways, this story is a bigger-budget remake of Robert Holmes' first story for Doctor Who, "The Krotons".
  • Shoot the Money: The opening model shot of the space station was the single most expensive special effects shot in the series up to that point, with John Nathan-Turner spending lavishly on it to ensure that the show's return after its enforced hiatus made a big impact. The cost was offset by using it as an establishing shot in later episodes.
  • Stunt Casting: Joan Sims, known for her roles in the Carry On... Series of films, as Queen Katryca is a classic example of John Nathan-Turner's predilection for stunt casting. Suffice to say that she wasn't the most physically convincing actress they could have cast for the role of the warrior queen.
  • What Could Have Been:
  • Working Title: Wasteland and Robots of Ravolox.
  • You Look Familiar: Merdeen is Duggan.
