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Trivia / Conquests of the Longbow

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  • Multi-Disc Work: The game is on five or six disks.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • In an interview with Christy Marx, she had initially wanted to make a sequel revolving around Greek myths and goddesses. During the initial concept stage, about three or four Robin Hood movie projects were announced, something Roberta Williams was interested in making a game out of. After dropping some hints around Sierra's offices, Marx happily complied and Conquests of the Longbow was the result. She also stated had she made a third game at Sierra, it would've been called Conquests of Charlemagne, focusing on Holy Roman emperor Charles I.
    • The handful of battle scenes where you pick a plan of attack from suggestions by Robin's companiona were originally planned to instead be played out as a real-time strategy. This was abandoned because Sierra's adventure game engine was poorly suited to having dozens of independently moving sprites on screen at the same time.
    • On Day 10, if you threaten the innkeeper with your bow to use the secret passage into the abbey, he threatens you and warns you not to use his door again. This comes to nothing in the finished game, but there's unused Game-Over Man dialogue in the code which reveals this would have caused a Game Over at some point in development (the irate innkeeper would tip off the Sheriff to your plan).
    • There are sprites for squirrels, birds, a rabbit, and a herd of deer in the code. The former two aren't implemented, but you're supposed to have a 1-in-9 chance to see the rabbit or 1-in-26 chance of seeing the deer on specific forest screens... except the variables for these Easter eggs are coded in such a way that they simply can't happen (the screens where you should be able to see them are surrounded by screens that disable them, and they're only reset by leaving and entering the forest). There's a very roundabout way to trigger the rabbit (by fast-traveling into the forest over and over again until it goes off), but no way to trigger the deer (it's coded so that you have to enter the screen from the sides, so the fast-travel trick doesn't work).
