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Tear Jerker / Trustfell

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  • The number of people who told Ashley they'd get her out the very week she died.
    • Finding her body was rough for everyone, but Susan, Cabanela, and Weiss' individual horror was heartbreaking.
  • Hibiki finding Rakka's body, hugging her, and tearfully begging her to Please Wake Up.
  • All of 1-7. Poor Cabanela didn't think he had any choice...
    Trustfell 2: Trust Harder 
  • Aqua going on automatic and baking to avoid a breakdown after the first and second trial.
  • The third culprit's Zero-Approval Gambit upon being caught, and how it breaks down because some of the others see through it.
    "Do you think that, at a time like this, I have a right to feel remorse?"
  • Black and Yousuke having a worn-out heart-to-heart after case five.
  • The entire sixth trial, including Gabriel's, Sigrun's, and everyone else's reaction to the victim, the shock when Mettaton, who liked Aqua, started looking suspicious, and the five-and-a-half-hour MTB where the culprit's close CR desperately tried to find a way for it to not be him but had to admit that it looked more and more like he'd done it. Culminated in the reveal that Mettaton was always intended to be a "kill switch" to make sure the captives died if nobody fell for an incentive, and his reluctant admission that his emotional attachments were real — and he hated it and just wanted to make it stop.
    • Cherryblod and Sigrun, the closest people to the culprit, absolutely falling apart in the trial and at the afterparty, along with Yousuke, who'd reluctantly cornered him.
  • Sigrun's talk with Glory after case 8.
    "Even bad people deserve to have people who miss them when they're gone."
  • Cherryblod and Yousuke telling each other to Try Not to Die and realizing with horror that they can't promise that.
  • In the final trial, Mettaton admitting to Ryuunosuke that he was the one who had deleted their fellow Survivors' minds for revenge on the world over Alphys, and that Glory wasn't responsible for rendering Silver braindead. Ryuunosuke, who had up to that point been a gloating co-mastermind, just breaks. They come to an understanding and decide that, no matter what the Survivors choose, they'll either live together or die together.
    Trustfell 3: Trust Fall With a Vengeance 
  • Chitoge's death via Retaliation completely destroys the cast emotionally. Even Aligula and Ferid were seemingly hurt by her death.
  • The discovery that Ferid and Angel weren't contacting Chitoge with the Ouija board, but Juri. Everyone, OOC and IC had the same reaction: "Poor Angel."
    Trustfell 4: Trust Fall or Die Hard 
  • The second culprit is a Sympathetic Murderer, enough that it might have been the right thing to let her win. Many of the other Apprentices are devastated at the confession.
  • Whenever Hanyuu ceremoniously accepts a sympathetic culprit's sins.
  • Case 4's MTB. It appeared to be a two-culprit murder, but Silver only qualified as an accomplice, despite his attempts to try and go down along with Gold.
    • As well, the lead-up to the vote and the vote itself. Particularly Guzma cursing out the Wordsmith, Silver trying to vote himself to death even knowing it was futile, and Elda hugging and kissing Gold like very awkward vampire family.
  • Estelle thinking she's a Third Wheel to Mikazuki and Killia.
    Trustfell 5: A Good Day to Trust Fall 
  • Knowing that one of his victims was someone he'd sworn to protect and tried to talk him out of killing and the other didn't even fight back, Kougami's actions in case 6 are disgusting and he got what he deserved — but he knows that too. His confession shows just how desperate he was and how he was trying to get rid of someone worse.
    • What's more, Sakura, who cared a great deal about him up until the point that he murdered her sister and an innocent, kills him for revenge in the middle of the trial and breaks down confessing that she's a traitor too. The trial nearly bad-ended there from how few people were willing to vote for her after all she'd been through.
    • Danny's breakdown at these deaths is especially painful. He almost didn't vote, even though doing so is mandatory.
