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Tear Jerker / Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

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Since Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches is first and foremost a feel-good comedy series, it prides itself on its funny and heartwarming moments rather than its tear jerkers, but it occasionally proves itself to be fully able to tug at the readers' and viewers' heartstrings...

  • Chapter 66: Yamada realizes that instead of him forgetting all about his friends, they have forgotten all about him and treat him coldly like he was a stranger.
  • Chapter 67: It makes the tear jerker of chapter 66 even worse when Yamada joins the club in an attempt to make friends with the other members all over again. There is a very awkward silence as no one seem to know what to think of this "new" club member. Yamada tries to break the ice by talking about... panties. The awkward silence continues, and Yamada fakes having to go to the bathroom in order to escape the situation. He concludes that panties were probably a somewhat inappropriate topic to talk about in a mixed crowd, but when he returns and spies at the club at the door, he finds them talking happily about panties. Apparently, it wasn't the topic they found uncomfortable - it was his company.
  • Chapter 68: While Yamada was not happy about what happened during the last two chapters, he seemed to take it in stride - but this chapter reveals that it is certainly not the case. The scene when he loses it and breaks a table because Tamaki suggests that his problems aren't that bad says it all. Also, the fact that he tries to endure his lonely school life by being a Neat Freak is a mixture of involuntarily hilarious and sad.
  • Chapter 70: This line of Shiraishi's:
    I'm in love with someone else.
    • Fortunately made much better by the fact that the following scenes go out of their way to suggest, both to the readers and in-universe, that the "someone else" is actually Yamada, but since Shiraishi doesn't remember him, she doesn't know that he's the guy standing right in front of her.
  • Chapter 71: Tamaki shows his true colors: He's not really a power-hungry opportunist, but a lonely guy who wants friends (and probably uses his president ambitions as a way to divert himself from his loneliness, or because he hopes the position will get him friends and followers). When he realizes that he - unlike Yamada who has actually changed several people's lives - never meant anything to anyone pre- or post-amnesia, he grows despondent and tries to dissolve their alliance.
  • Chapter 72: Two ones which are actually connected:
    • When Shiraishi catches Yamada kissing Odagiri, Yamada thinks Shiraishi will be gravely hurt and runs after to tell her that there wasn't any romantic intentions behind that kiss. She tells him with a neutral face that she doesn't care if there was since she has no reason to worry about what he does. This practically confirms to Yamada that, at least on the surface, he doesn't mean anything to her anymore. Leads the following one:
    • Yamada becomes so desperate that he follows Shiraishi to tell what has actually happened since the memory loss. When she turns around, she's crying. Yeah, Shiraishi - known for seeming like an Emotionless Girl at the start and has been rational and collected until now - is actually crying. With her face taking up a whole page. As per one of the recurring themes of the arc - her memories have been wiped, but her feelings haven't, and she sees the guy she loves break his promise to her and kiss another girl. She's so confused by the whole situation that she asks him who in the world he is.
  • Chapter 73: This chapter quickly becomes a bit more light-hearted, but still comes up with a couple of sad revelations: The Supernatural Studies Club is falling apart because Yamada isn't there as glue that makes them stick together, and Shiraishi's subconsciousness apparently misses him so much that she finds herself crying regularly.
  • Chapter 77: Odagiri's realization and admittance that she cannot win Yamada's heart no matter how much she tries - as well as her decision that she should rather try to help him and have him get together with Shiraishi so that he can be truly happy - is a mixture of a Tear Jerker, a Heartwarming Moment, and a Moment of Awesome. At least when you read it the first time - unfortunately, her decision doesn't carry over to the second part of the story, so the scene becomes somewhat bland in hindsight.
