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Tear Jerker / Xenogears

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  • During the attack on Nortune, Fei and Elly look out on a city that is being consumed by flames, where ordinary people are suffering and dying. Later, Grahf narrowly saves Elly from death, and Fei's emotional response is a tear-jerker in itself.
  • When Fei and Elly are shot down by Ramsus, Fei is worried he may lose Elly:
    Fei: Damn... The bleeding... The bleeding won't stop... If things don't change... At this rate Elly's not gonna make it...!
  • Seeing the memories Id has saved to himself, which includes watching Elly die, over and over again, before showing a devastated Lacan giving in to his grief and madness and transforming into Grahf.
  • Grahf's last moments. After getting utterly stomped by Fei in Xenogears, Grahf allows the Zohar engine to devour him, to buy Fei time to escape. His Final Speech is a desperate plea for Fei to destroy Deus and free Elhaym from the cycle of death and reincarnation.
  • Almost any of the flashbacks to 500 years before (especially if "The Treasure Which Cannot Be Stolen" is playing). Back then, Lacan, Sophia, Krelian, Roni, Rene, and Zephyr were a group of friends not so different from Fei and his companions. It's quite sad knowing how they were torn apart and what two of them became because of grief and despair.
  • The moment when Fei regains the memories of all his past lives, he flashes back to all the times Elly has died, with each time her last words were telling him to "Live!"
