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Tear Jerker / The Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo Show

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  • Shaggy and Scrappy crying at the end of "Scooby-Doo and Genie Poo" when they think that Scooby's been zapped back in time to ancient Arabia.
    Shaggy: Oh, Scooby! I loved you more than a brother!
    • Becomes Heartwarming when it turns out that Scooby managed to escape and didn't get zapped after all.
  • "Sweet Dreams Scooby" is actually a pretty sad episode. Shaggy dreams about being Benjamin Franklin inventing electricity, Scrappy has a dream about defeating a Red Baron expy with himself playing the part of Snoopy. Scooby has a nightmare about being eaten by a dinosaur. It's clear from the beginning that Scooby is safe, but what makes it sad is that his friends got happy dreams about them accomplishing something, while Scooby, who's afraid of big monsters, is trapped in his own head with his demons. And we don't even get to see the satisfaction of Scooby waking up and realizing he and his loved ones are OK, because the short ends before he wakes up-the viewer stops watching Scooby's dream right before the Tyrannosaurus bears down on him, and the short ends with a security guard discovering the trio asleep (Shaggy sleep walked to Benjamin Franklin's exhibit, and Scrappy somehow got into a model airplane hanging from the ceiling, and Scooby is asleep in the model T-Rex's mouth. He doesn't look two fidgety, but you have to wonder how long the poor guy endured that dream because he'd sleep walked into a model dinosaur's mouth (and all those sharp teeth!)
    • When the gang gets locked in the museum, Shaggy and Scooby are scared. Scrappy is worse, in a way: He's quite chipper about it, and happily finds a bench to sleep on without a second thought. Almost like he's familiar with this, somehow. It doesn't have to mean anything, just feels...wrong.
  • Another dream episode. "Scooby in Wonderland" has Scooby dreams that Scrappy, his nephew who is in his care, runs by, exclaiming he's late for something but not telling Scooby what. Scooby is panicked and tries to keep up with him, but falls behind. Just the idea that your child is dealing with something that you can't understand and can't keep up with, is a sobering one.
  • In "Runaway Scrappy", Scrappy is (mistakenly) convinced that Yabba and Dusty don't love him anymore, so he runs away. He gets duped into committing a crime by a pair of bandits, who promptly abandon him. He walks off dejected, lamenting that he's "a pup without a purpose" and that nobody wants him. And he starts crying. The Trope Namer for The Scrappy became The Woobie.
    • Dusty and Yabba were angry with Scrappy at the beginning of the episode, but when they see Scrappy's goodbye note, they immediately snap into worried parent mode and take off to track him down.
    • Scrappy spends most of the episode low-key depressed. To see such an upbeat character so miserable is heartbreaking.
