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Tear Jerker / The Pursuit of Happyness

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  • More happy tears, but the entirety of the ending where Chris gets the job.
    • There is also Chris's face. He tries to suck it up in front of the workers, and when walking outside in the crowd, leading him to go to the daycare, and hug Christopher with joy.
    • Just the very moment Chris starts crying. Will Smith, as always, absolutely delivers the scene, as at that moment, Chris realizes that he will never go through any of the events that he and his son has been put through. To really make it even more powerful, Will Smith's tears were 100% genuine.
      • There's also the background score to accompany the scene, Welcome Chris
  • The subway scene. Having nowhere to go, Chris pretends to his son that the machine he's carrying is a time machine, playing out that the both of them are in the prehistoric age. Chris tells Christopher that the bathroom is a cave to hide from the dinosaurs. But the kicker here: it's where they sleep overnight. What's worse is the man angrily trying to open the locked door, which makes Chris fall into tears.
  • "Captain America!"
