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Tear Jerker / The Green Hornet

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  • The opening where Britt's dad cruelly rips off the head of young Britt's toy, just because Britt got sent home from school for trying to stop a bunch of bullies. And thanks to his piece-of-shit parenting skills, Britt had become a Manchild who lives by what his dad told him on that day: "trying doesn't matter if you always fail."
  • In the 2011 film, how Britt finds out about his father's death. He's in a limo with his latest bit of fluff, then he sees on the news broadcast on the limo TV a picture of his father with the words "James Reid: 1950-2010." He's absolutely shocked and shattered. To add further insult to injury, as soon as the limo stops, it's mobbed by reporters asking how he feels.
  • After Britt's (temporary) breakup with Kato, Chudnofsky puts out a hit on the Green Hornet seven innocent people are killed because they were wearing green. It's the first time Britt feels any real shame for his actions, and it prompts him to take his ownership of the newspaper seriously, even contacting DA Scanlon to try and stop criminals. Before of course he finds out about Scanlon's corruption.
