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Tear Jerker / The Adventure Zone: Dust

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Tear Jerker Index

  • The reveal that Dylan Mathis loved Jeremiah Blackwell, but Jeremiah loved Dylan's sister Anne. Dylan was best man at the secret wedding, and was torn between his love for his sister and his best friend.
    Dylan: "When they got married... do you... Mr. Ryehouse, do you know- Have you ever, in a moment, been the most happy and saddest you've ever been in your whole life?"
  • Dylan's explanation of why he was found with Jeremiah Blackwell's corpse earlier in the evening, and why he hasn't been cooperating with the investigation: Since Dylan was drowning his sorrows when Jeremiah was killed, he blames himself for not being able to protect Jeremiah, and he implies he plans to commit suicide by lynch mob, which will be forming in the morning to kill him for his alleged hand in Jeremiah's death.
    Dylan: "I found him bleeding out... And I held him as he died."
    Griffin: (Out of character) "Jesus..."
  • Both Heartwarming and Tearjerking is the meeting of Anne Mathis and Jeremiah's father at the end. Anne confesses to the secret marriage, and all Jeremiah's father asks her is, "Was he happy?"
