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Tear Jerker / Redaction of the Golden Witch

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  • The first death of the Fragment. It's Shannon, whom Rosa accidentally flings out the window while knocking her around. Making this worse is the fact that what set Rosa off in the first place was Shannon trying to calm everyone down, trying to suggest that Lion didn't actually mean anyone any harm...
  • The segments focuses on the Witch Hunters in 1996 really drive home the negative aspects of the In-Universe fandom. Cass, Karl and Hiro hardly seem to recognize that the Rokkenjima Incident involved actual people being killed; Cass is more interested in the fanciful costumes and magical mythology, while Karl and Hiro are all about honing and debating their pet theories.
    • Particularly painful is the confrontation between Hiro and Captain Kawabata. The Witch Hunter's completely offended that Kawabata doesn't want any part of it, apparently too caught up in his own desire to get to the island to register just how badly Survivor Guilt hit the captain.
  • The deaths of the Witch Hunters. Particularly the last exchange between Cass and the Protag, as she begs them to stay with her.
    Cass: Please... Don't go... You're my best friend...
  • "You Keep Telling Me I've Got Everything". Natsuhi is confronted by the spectres of her own guilt, taking the form of Lion Ushiromiya, Beato, and Shannon. All of her defenses are systematically stripped away from her, as it's ruthlessly pointed out time and again that she had years to make some effort — any effort — to make up for her mistakes, but kept treating Shannon horribly. And now it's too late...
    • Taking the True Tea Party into consideration, this entire segment becomes a metaphor for Sarah's own guilt over the deaths of her brother and friends. She's been haunted for years over the idea that, if she had done anything, she could've saved them, but believes she let all her chances slide by.
  • The ultimate fate of this Fragment's version of poor Kanon. After all they've endured, he becomes a demonic piece of furniture, driven only by his desire for revenge. It's enough to bring Andromalius himself to tears.
  • Before reading the final parts of the Fragment, Andromalius holds things up to ask Battler two things about the world contained within: whether or not it's a 'Fallen' world and whether or not it can be 'redeemed'. While reasoning through this, Battler realizes what exactly Andy is really asking him: if the nature of this Fragment means that Andromalius is nothing but a monster, or if his actions are actually justifiable.
  • "Did You Do It For Love? Did You Do It For Money?" After everything that's happened, 1986!Battler has George and Jessica turn on him, accusing him of being involved in the murders. He winds up leaving the parlor, sarcastically bidding them farewell with "See you again."
  • The full, Awful Truth of what really happened in the Heretic Fragment. It is, in essence, a tale where Battler didn't forget his promise... Yet he still didn't understand Shannon's heart, and his well-intentioned efforts to give her everything he thought she deserved led to tragedy unfolding. Battler sums it up best: it suggests that even in a world where she wasn't forgotten, Shannon still wasn't understood, and could never find her true happiness.
    • In particular, the fact that poor Natsuhi had a Heel Realization and was Driven to Suicide. Krauss didn't take finding her body well, and assumed somebody else was to blame... or, as Battler points out, didn't want to consider the alternative.
  • "Now Not Just One More Pawn". Even with Battler presenting an alternate interpretation of Sarah's story, it has to end with most of the Ushiromiya family getting wiped out. At least they were happy...
  • The truth about what happened in 1996, and the Fragment's connection to it. As the True Tea Party finally reveals, Sarah was the fourth Witch Hunter, and didn't actually accompany Cass, Karl and Hiro to Rokkenjima. She stayed behind, so even she doesn't know what happened on the island... just that she let the three of them go there alone, and they died. This leads into the realization that, even though she didn't exactly share their exuberance over the Rokkenjima incident and wasn't entirely sure why she was friends with them, in the end, they meant so much to her, and their deaths have haunted her so badly, she thinks she may as well have killed them herself.
