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Tear Jerker / Re Incarnation Quest

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"The Weight of the World Huh..."
Elia Incarnation Arc Words

Due to the slightly smaller nature of this page it is not divided into folder. Spoilers abound thusly. Be wary.

Examples from the Sahatri Incarnation

  • Kifa's entire situation is nothing short of utterly depressing. Forced to work for a conquering empire just on the promise that her people will be given better lives. Not that she'll necessarily get to see them.
    • Even to the point where she is willing to die for the cause on nothing more than the promise.
      • And given Marcus stopped her, her people may have never received what she fought for anyways. It's entirely possible that she died for nothing.

Examples from the Elia Incarnation

While the world is saved in the long run, many major characters end up unhappy for one reason or other.

  • The end of the Re:Bullets DLC, between Vania's refusal to believe that Marcus won't come for her and the reveal that Mathilda (who had just rescued her) is Empress of the East there's plenty of sadness to go around
  • Mathilda's entire story at the end of the arc. The girl she rescued who she just wanted to raise healthy and happy goes full Yandere and tries to Freeze the East and let the Fiends in the North kill the entire rest of the world to create a twisted 'paradise' for Mathilda and her subjects.
    • Worse still? It's Lilliane, *Elia's Sister who was thought dead*. Then to cap it all off Marcus ends up having to kill her to stop her.
      • And as if that wasn't bad enough, she survives just long enough to see the one person she did all of this for die stopping her. *Ouch.*
  • Marcus' ending doesn't get much better, at least... Not after the Good End Dream is rejected in favor of the True Path

Examples from the Iza Incarnation
