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Tear Jerker / Negas

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Per site policy, Spoilers Off applies to all Tear Jerker pages, so all spoilers here are unmarked. You have been warned!

As fun as this world is, and as wacky as these characters are, their lives kind of suck if you put some thought into it.


  • Just look at Negas's life in the DC. Sad from his perspective- anyone who has found a job and moved from home as a result, only to realize that your new job is not what you expected while struggling to live by oneself can relate.
    • If you watched Negas's original 2009 episodes and the Ral-centered episodes, you realize that he wasn't actually that bad (he actually kept most of his insults and snarker comments to himself and it's shown that he had a Big Brother Instinct towards Ral), but after moving to the DC and living a mediocre life with a mediocre job forced him to Took a Level in Jerkass.
  • Surprisingly, in "Dia del Niño" ("Children’s Day") it's revealed that Checker Used to Be a Sweet Kid, until the day he was molested by Michael Jackson, turning him into the Camp Gay he is now.
    • Apparently, RAL thought he went too far with that episode, so he retconned it by showing that RoboCop killed Michael Jackson before he could touch Checker. But Checker still became gay by watching the Twilight films.
  • Played for Laughs, but in the advertisement for Army of Two the narcoterrorist mooks are considering to defect in order to live a more honest lifestyle...only to be shot by Negas.

Don Makila:

  • Any time Negas or Paulo make fun of Ñoñostacio, to the point of being Dude, Not Funny!. He's such a sweet guy, and just wants to be liked by everyone.

Niño Ratta:

  • Rodolfo doesn't have an easy life. His parents are divorced and in bad terms. His mother is a suicidal Extreme Doormat who's remarried to an abusive drunkard who often beats him. And all episodes end with him suffering one way or another (he either ends up traumatized, dead or beaten by his stepfather). While he might be dumb and obnoxious, he's still just a kid.
  • The "Papubuelo" ("Grandpaw") episode. Rodolfo and his family go to visit his dying grandfather at the hospital, where the doctor announces he has short time to live. In order to make him better, Rodolfo puts some Vive 100 (the Latino equivalent of Red Bull) in his intravenous drip. This only succeeds in killing him. The episode ends with Rodolfo's parents (yes, even Don Cuco) crying after finding the old man dead. Shame the doctor had to ruin the moment by reminding them of the hospital bills.
    • Rodolfo's behavior throughout the episode. Being a teenager, he has most likely never lost a loved one before, and has no idea how to process it. Mamu and Don Cuco are adults, capable of dealing with loss. Rodolfo has no idea how.
    • It was also sad to see the tough Don Cuco cry.
  • In "El Buen Fin + PRO" ("The PRO-est Weekend"), Niño Ratta, his mother and his biological father go to the store to but some groceries. Niño Ratta eats his usual Trademark Favorite Food and gets high as usual, causing a ruckus all over the place. The father starts berating his ex-wife for his son's stupidity and walks away with his more attractive girlfriend. After a while, Niño Ratta goes back to normal and tearfully asks his mother where did his dad go.
    Niño Ratta: Where's paw, maw?
    Mama Ratta: (Beat)
    Niño Ratta: He's gone again.... (sobs grossly)
    • Also, when the father says "Why you didn't abort that thing?". Even if Niño Ratta is obnoxious and insensitive, he doesn't deserve that treatment...
    • And just to make it even worse, it's implied that he doesn't even treat his new wife any better, if him reffering to her as "Cosa" (thing) is any indication.
  • The "Bebé Babas" ("Slurpy Baby"), reveals that Niño Ratta's father originally loved him and was very doting towards Rodolfo after he was born. But eventually he got fed up with Rodolfo's constant slurping and left the household. It's also sad to see how things started to go downhill for Niño Ratta's mother.

In general:

  • R.A.L admitting in this podcast that the reason he stopped making Raltoon and Ral-centered content is because due to the hardships of adult life he didn't feel he could relate to the cheerful kid anymore. Negas's brother is truly gone.
