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Tear Jerker / LEGO Marvel's Avengers

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  • Even though Agent Coulson is secretly Spared by the Adaptation due to Faking the Dead, the handling of his death scene from the first movie is incredibly powerful.
  • After the last battle of Ultron, just like in the film, Hulk hijacks a Quinjet and decides to leave the team including Black Widow, however, in LEGO form, it's even sadder because "The Lonely Man" from The Incredible Hulk (1977) is the Background Music.
  • Steve beating the crap out of a punching bag while flashing back to his past is used as a recap level for Captain America: The First Avenger but instead of ending on Steve crashing into the ice it instead ends on the scene of Bucky falling off the train which is ironically made even worse by a brief moment of comedy where Steve thinks he's grabbed Bucky's hand but instead grabbed the bar he had been hanging onto just moments after his grip failed, giving Steve a brief Hope Spot before he sees Bucky fall.
    • Additionally, they don't do a humorous death fake out like they do with Coulson later, likely leading anyone who hasn't watched Winter Soldier to think he actually died.
