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Tear Jerker / Junjou Romantica

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Destiny never abandoned him after all.
Although mostly well-known for comedies, Junjou Romantica is also known for many of its heart-wrenching moments.

  • Shinobu's unrequited love for Miyagi. When he thought he found his destined first love, that man ended up becoming his sister's husband, caused him to believe that he was cursed by destiny. Three years passed and he heard that they had divorced, giving him hope that destiny has given him a second chance and wanted to make his love come true, only to be rejected by Miyagi and treated his love as if it is nothing or has no worth. He almost crossed the Despair Event Horizon hadn't Miyagi stopped from going back to Australia. His tears of joy pretty much tell everything: Destiny never abandoned him after all.
  • Hiroki's unrequited love for Akihiko also rivals Shinobu from above. He fell in love with his best friend that is one of the few people who could understand him since long ago but never had any hope with it since Akihiko was in love with Takahiro. When the latter had a heartbreak, he suggested them having sex together in hope of finally conveying his feelings to Akihiko, but failed and he regrets it. His attitude at the start of the story tells it all and he would have gone to the deeper end if he didn't meet Nowaki for the second time.
  • Usagi's childhood was implied to be extremely lonely. In a flashback, Usagi's mother tells him that she regrets being with Fuyuhiko and giving birth to him, and his father tells Haruhiko that he wants him to succeed the family and that he really loved Haruhiko's mother
