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Tear Jerker / Hotel Transylvania

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  • "Dad, can you do me a favor?" "Yes, of course darling, anything." "Will you erase my mind?"
    • Even more horrible for Drac, knowing that he actually can.
    • Him reading Martha's gift to Mavis also gets you.
    • And this utterly heartwrenching exchange:
    Mavis: I thought we zinged, Dad.
    Dracula: [surprised] You and Johnny?
    Mavis: I guess it was only me. But you should be happy, Dad. There's no reason for me to leave. I have no more dreams. I'm just like you now.
  • The backstory that reveals Drac's wife, Martha, was killed by humans. You can finally understand just why he hates humans so much and all the secrecy and overprotectiveness he has towards his daughter.
    Dracula: The legend is wrong. It was only the wife that died.
    (he pulls the curtain off of the gigantic painting, revealing Dracula next to her)
    Johnny: Oh.
    Dracula: And it was no mystery who killed her... (becomes angry as he turns to face Johnny, with glowing blue eyes) ...she was killed by your kind!
    • After telling Johnny that he's "one of the good ones" and Johnny says that people have changed in the 118 years since Martha's death, Drac asks if he's absolutely sure about that. Johnny can't answer that, and he knows it, so he just stands there in silence. Even when Drac asks him, it's not angry and upset but more tired and sad, as if he's given up all hope even though his relationship with Johnny has convinced him that not all people are bad.
    Dracula: Can you tell me for certain that if we came out in the open everyone would accept us? Everyone?
  • Jonathan lying to Mavis about how he doesn't want to be with her and that he hates monsters. The look on her face just screams heartbreaking.
