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Tear Jerker / Fellowship

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Fellowship has a lot of sad scenes. But since it's still an on-going series, only a few will be listed here.

  • Everything revolving around Yoshino and Guile is depressing. At first, she's downright mean towards Guile for lashing out her fury because of losing the chance to call a powerful character. She considers him only as a tool for gaining more experience in the board game, and never thanks him.
    • When Yoshino gives Guile a loud "Go away!", it's just downright heartbreaking. Guile is already sad when he first hears Yoshino saying that she doesn't care about him anymore, and Yoshino snapping at him makes it more heart-wrenching. The sad thing? Poor Guile still desperately hopes that she cares for him, and he ends up becoming a bit temperamental until he befriends Ari, Pip, and Draggy.
    • Then Yoshino finds out that her deceased dad is seemingly to be a huge fan of Guile as hinted by his bedtime story about 'a masked magician with long light blue hair' and a dusty PS console. Yoshino loves her dad so much, while the way she treats Guile is sure to sadden her dad. This leads to My God, What Have I Done?.
    • She attempts to find Guile and apologize, but what makes it sad is that she finds Guile in a bad shape: bruised, battered, and unconscious. This brings her into Five Stages of Grief, which makes it even sadder.
      • Denial: A Big "NO!".
      • Anger: Blames herself for being too mean towards Guile.
      • Bargaining: Begs Guile to wake up and promises to be kind to him from now on. He's still unconscious unfortunately.
      • Depression: A long silence.
      • Acceptance: Decides to leave and visit Guile later.
    • When Yoshino finds out that her daddy once wished Guile were real and wanted to welcome him to the family. She falls into a Villainous BSoD, and when she admits it to her grandma, she gets scolded and slapped for being a terrible person.
    • The content of Jirou's diary is also a huge Tear Jerker when you rethink that Yoshino has been abusing Guile all this long.
    • Her grandma points out that she'll still mistreat Guile if it isn't because of her dad, and her Villainous BSoD gets worse.
    • When she angsts about it in chapter 11, it's just as sad.
    • How abusive is Yoshino towards Guile? Firstly, she neglects him. Whether it rains or not, Guile sleeps outside. She only occasionally gives him food. And she doesn't speak much after that. If Guile is losing a fight or showing weakness, she won't hesitate to snap at Guile and call him a wimp. Also, if Guile oversleeps, she'll scream directly into his ears or throw him a pail of cold water. And if Guile is injured, she'll force him to keep fighting.
  • The result of being kind to Guile is also pretty sad as it almost results in a Heroic Sacrifice. Guile, despite being seriously injured (unable to get up and has Blood from the Mouth), begs Ari's friends to take him to Ari. Upon meeting Ari, he struggles to convince Ari that Draggy is innocent. He doesn't even consider the danger he has put himself into by doing that.
    • When Draggy is hungry, Guile tries to find some food for the dragon, but to no avail. Because he just can't bring himself into breaking a promise and seeing a child starving, he chooses to cut his ankle with an icicle to get some of his blood so that Draggy won't be hungry. It's made even sadder that he ends up with a drop foot and forces a smile just so that Draggy and Pip won't worry too much about it.
      • At the moment Guile cuts his ankle, he doesn't even walk right because he barely recovers from his injuries.
  • In chapter 9, Guile silently admitting that all he wants in his life is just a family because he keeps losing it again and again, and thinks of wishing for it under a falling star, in hopes that it will come true. All this long, Guile lies to everybody that he wants power to solve his rivalry issue because he can't even speak much about his wish. He knows that this sounds silly for a cold person like Yoshino, while if he admits it to Ari, who is very nice to him, Ari may go to absurd lengths just to help him. It is even more heartbreaking when this fact is linked to Yoshino's abusive treatment towards him.
  • In chapter 11, Luccia's letter is just heartbreaking. Because Viper had helped Guile many times when Guile was younger, during the finals of El Nido Wizard Tournament, Guile refused to fight Riddel just because of that. This led to his poor performance and loss, which ended up in his mother casting a self-destruct spell in front of Guile and led to him losing his sanity. He eventually gets better.
  • Chapter 12. This also overlaps with Heartwarming Moments.
    • The first is when Guile musters up his remaining strength to shield Draggy from Genie's chainsaw with his body. He says that he does this for all the children he has come to love.
    • When Yoshino begs Guile to forgive her. It's even sadder when Guile forgives her and admits that he just wants to be Yoshino's friend, which is why he never complains when Yoshino treats him badly. This also makes Yoshino feel more terrible.
    • Feeling very guilty of her abusive acts towards Guile, Yoshino desperately tries to fend off Genie (her attempt is almost a Heroic Sacrifice) to save Guile, which just fails because Genie is a powerful Foreign Being.
    • In the end of the chapter, Yoshino sees Guile in pain and keeps comforting him. Guile remarks that he has never seen Yoshino being so caring, which leads to Yoshino admitting that she feels really guilty of her acts and is trying to repent. But Guile, with a Tearful Smile, tells Yoshino that her apology and concern are already more than enough to show that she has changed.
  • Yoshino keeps blaming herself for her cruel acts towards Guile and even regards the reason why she is like that as a stupid reason. This is why she gets really angry when someone reminds her about these issues.
