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Tear Jerker / Fate of the Jedi

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  • Niathal's suicide note is very sad. So are her reasons for this act.
  • Kani's death. Poor girl.
  • Vestara's Then Let Me Be Evil decision. And she'd come so close to pulling off a genuine Heel–Face Turn...
    • Even worse? She didn't even need to make that decision. After struggling to pull herself free of the Dark Side, and coming so close, and then going into a place where the Dark Side is incredibly strong, and then acting out of love, it's entirely possible that Luke might have forgiven her.
  • Bazel Warv dies in Apocalypse after spending most of the series as a Big Brother Mentor and Bruiser with a Soft Center. Still, he does get a pretty great Dying Moment of Awesome.
  • Kenth's Heroic BSoD, leading to him going out fighting because he simply cannot bear what's happening. While he may not have been very popular in- or out of universe, he deserved better.
  • While slightly undermined by it being a retcon, Jacen's motivation for Falling is this: He saw a vision of Allana corrupted by the Dark Side and serving The Dark Man (a.k.a. Darth Krayt). He didn't even seek to stop the Sith from ascending, his only desire was to prevent his daughter, who hadn't even been conceived, from suffering a Fate Worse than Death.
