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Tear Jerker / Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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  • The scene under the covers when Clem talks about her "ugly" doll and Joel begging the Lacuna employees to "let me keep this memory, just one."
  • Clem and Joel's first meeting and Joel's last goodbye to her memory.
    • When Joel runs out of the house after telling Clem that he wished he'd stayed the night with her. Clem calls after him and suggests that he stays. The way his voice sounds when he tells her that he can't because the memory is already gone is just heartbroken. You can tell that he'd give anything to just be able to go back inside and spend the night with her.
  • Joel changing his mind about having the procedure after reliving a particularly fond memory of Clementine, and helplessly pleading for it to stop.
  • When Joel wakes up but is unable to talk or move. He is only able to stare at them with a look of sheer desperation in his eyes as they resort to sedating him.
  • The scene with the bird during Joel's childhood. You can tell that it still affects him as an adult.
  • Clementine crying after Joel hears her tape and kicks her out of her car while she helplessly explains that she doesn't know anything about the tape.
  • There's also the reaction of Howard's wife discovering him and Mary kissing. All she does is sadly say "don't be a monster. Tell the girl" - and Mary discovers that she was previously in love with Howard and pressured into erasing this.
  • A deleted scene where we find out that Howard forced Mary to have an abortion, and then wiped her memory.
  • Joel realizing that the final memory he has of Clementine is about to be wiped, his last memory of Clementine asks "what do we do?" and he answers simply. "Enjoy it."
  • Mostly Fridge Sadness, but the woman in the waiting room of Lacuna who is having her dog, Buster, erased.
