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Tear Jerker / Earth to Echo

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  • Alex and Tuck getting into a fight, because Alex accuses him of abandoning him though Tuck believed he wanted to get captured on purpose as Tuck refuses to admit for not coming to save him. Tuck admits in narrating that he acted like he didn't know what he did, but he knew exactly what he did. Fortunately, the 2 later reconciled.

  • While searching for both Echo and Munch, Tuck along with Alex and Emma can hear him and they find him being interrogated by two of the Government men. As they look at the Monitors they see their friend being question. The Monitors shows that he's scared and crying believing the Men are gone to killed him and begs them not to, as they continue questioning him.

  • Alex's grief when Echo seemingly becomes comatose near the end of the movie. It's subtly played, but he's hunched over and refuses to move, and this moment is made significantly more tear-jerking when you recall that Alex is a foster kid who has paranoia issues about being abandoned by friends.
