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Tear Jerker / Dishonored 2

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  • Jessamine's death still deeply affects both Emily and Corvo fifteen years later. Emily yearns to hold her mother's hand one last time, while Corvo laments losing his "star in [his] sky".
  • Once you embed Delilah's spirit into the Heart, you're told that this will replace Jessamine's influence with Delilah's. You can almost feel the hesitance in Emily or Corvo knowing that they have to say goodbye to a loved one forever just to defeat the main villain.
    • Jessamine's final moments with Corvo/Emily are bittersweet on a low chaos playthrough, but a high chaos playthrough makes the scene just plain depressing. She laments having to bear witness to her loved one's descent into murder and chaos and just wants to finally pass on so she doesn't have to witness all the cruelty being done by someone she loves so much.
      Jessamine: My daughter, you are becoming everything I fought against. I love you, but let me go.
      Jessamine: We had such dreams, but I no longer care what you do. Save my daughter and release me into nothing.
    • While Jessamine's love for Emily is unconditional, it seems that she will lose her trust and faith in a High Chaos Corvo, and even of the world itself for changing him into a monster.
  • Dr. Vasco and Dr. Hypatia had a budding romance between them... cut short by the Psycho Serum that resulted in Grim Alex manifesting in Dr. Hypatia which had a much more murderous violent lust for Dr. Vasco. Vasco, even on the brink of death and well-aware of it pleads for whoever finds his body to cure Hypatia.
  • While playing as Emily, if you kill or incapacitate Meagan Foster (a.k.a. Billie Lurk) just prior to the final mission and bring their body to Sokolov, he breaks down sobbing at what you've done. His cries of "Emily, oh, Emily" are hard to listen to.
  • After being rescued from Jindosh, the frail state Sokolov is left in is shocking and saddening—Emily will recall how smug and vibrant he'd once been during the events of the first game with a sad nostalgia. Thankfully, he does recover in due time.
  • Delilah's backstory (if true), while it doesn't excuse her actions, is legitimately sad. She was kicked out of the palace with her mother and lived in the poorest conditions imaginable. Her mother died suddenly in debtor's prison while she was out, meaning she never got to say goodbye. She even describes burying her mother in a child's coffin because she couldn't afford a full-sized one.
