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Tear Jerker / Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate

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  • Simon's motivation to find and kill Dracula springs from the death of his parents, which is pretty sad, but what makes it worse is that he actually reunites with both of them over the course of the game, and doesn't recognise either of them.
  • A lot of Alucard's backstory and dialogue with Simon is pretty tragic when you know who he is, especially when he asks Simon how his mother (Trevor's wife) died.
  • Trevor's death. Pretty much the whole scene, from Trevor's dying lamentations about the cruelty of fate and his pity for Dracula, to Dracula's desperate panic upon realising who Trevor is, through to his frantic attempt to save his son's life and his heartbroken reaction when he sees it's too late.
  • Just how broken Dracula is after finding out that Trevor is his son, and that he just killed him. He loses his composure for the first time in the game and frantically tries to revive him using his blood.
    Dracula: NO! No! Live! My son! son...
    • It's no wonder Dracula adopts a Rage Against the Heavens attitude: Not only are his wife and son dead, he can't die and join them.
