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Tear Jerker / CSI: Cyber

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  • In "Fire Code", in the aftermath of Brody's meeting with his old friend, Ju5tu5:
    Brody: I wanted to give him another chance, like you gave me, but... he didn't want it.
  • In "Crowd Sourced," we see flashbacks of Avery and her first reformed "black hat," Tobin, the two getting on well and trusting each other. In the final flashback, Avery brings Tobin to the area where the Cyber division will be set up, saying she wanted him to get a look at what they built...because he'll never be working there. Enter a pair of FBI agents as Avery tells Tobin he's under arrest for cyber crimes. When he protests, Avery angrily snaps that while she trusted him and believed he could change, Sifter didn't and discovered Tobin was still up to his old tricks. He tries to protest, saying he can't do this as they're a team and Avery tearfully tells him "we were never a team." He's dragged off as Avery cries, rocked by having her trust shattered like this.
  • In "Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes", Brody confronts Mundo and already upset at seeing the e-mails and messages between police officers at the Ashdale PD precinct, it's the first time in this episode, or indeed in the series, that we see him emotionally moved to the point of tears as he asks:
    Brody: Look me in my eye, bro, and tell me you never said it before. In anger, in jest, singing the words to your favorite song, laughing at an inappropriate joke, failing to correct a friend or a family member when they crossed the line. Tell me you're the one.
    [Mundo cannot answer, and Brody walks away in silence.]
  • Russell’s reflection on Finn (his friend and colleague from Seattle and Las Vegas who was the last victim of the final Vegas serial killer) in “Hack E.R.”. He recalls sitting by her bedside, reading to her, hoping she’d wake up and ultimately she didn’t. He says she was his best friend.
  • D.B. saying he’s either separated or’s like the producers could never just let anyone (besides NY’s Danny and Lindsay) be happily married and with D.B’s family life becoming a fun part of the Vegas series, him falling victim to the marriage problems trend on the franchise was sad to hear.
