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Tear Jerker / Billy Bat

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  • The story of the bride, groom, and taxi driver.
  • The ninja who was tasked with saving his country by delivering a mystical scroll, but had to kill his former team members because they were tasked with destroying the scroll, and eventually broke down and buried the scroll in a ditch, leaving nobody with the prophecies (up to and including 9/11) until it was too late to stop them.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill the president; he decided not to go through with it and he was escorting one of Kevin's party members to safety when one of the other snipers took the shot. And then he was captured and sentenced to death for trying to help Kevin's party save the world.
  • Kevin is shot into a coma for decades right before he can get to the bottom of the conspiracy.
  • The end of the world successfully comes. There is little left to save after that.
