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Tear Jerker / Ask The Main Four

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Arc 1

  • The blog's first off-screen post has Cartman taking his father's skull to his grave and placing it there. He then proceeds to cry and apologize for having him dead.
  • Cartman's reason behind how he started this vlog is very heartbreaking. His mother wanted him to follow her into her prostituting line of work, but Cartman refused, telling her she only cares about making herself happy that way. Subsequently, she attempted to hang herself, only for Cartman to intervene and agree with her method, but continued to whore himself out to take back what he said to her. Cartman told the entire truth to Kyle, and after being told by him to open up more often, Cartman bursts into tears over Kyle's shoulder as the latter promises to straighten the conflict out with Liane. The follow-up post continues its heartwrenching status, but crosses over into heartwarming territory later.
    • Before that, Cartman finds out that Butters posted a picture of his exploits while explaining why he's easily sensitive about being called a whore by the "peers" in an attempt to have them understand what he's going through and why they shouldn't insult him like that. Unfortunately, this results in Cartman literally screaming in his face about "ruining" him (after Butters tearfully explains his reasoning), causing Butters to punch him in self-defense, and to make matters worse, Cartman roars at him (as well as Kyle, Stan and Kenny) to get out of his house. Considering how Butters reacted to Cartman actually ripping his hat in half with his bare hands in anger, you can just imagine hearing him sobbing as he and the others boys leave Cartman's house.
  • When Clyde is asked by one of the peers about his crush on Craig, Clyde answers that when he confessed this to him, Craig calmly explained to him that he couldn't return his feelings because he's straight (later revealed to be actually bi). One of the tags notes that Clyde is watery-eyed. But as soon as the anons are turned back on (courtesy of a jealous Cartman after Clyde started hitting on Kyle) and one of them flat-out tells him that Craig will never love him, Cartman explains when asked that Clyde angrily kicked the chair he was sitting on, called him a jerk, and left.

Arc 2
