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Tear Jerker / An Extended Performance

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  • Trixie doesn't admit it to herself, but two things are painfully obvious to any reader.
    • (1) - She loves Piercing Gaze, and
    • (2) - She is terribly lonely and really needs friends.
The worst part of this is that, given Trixie's lack of self-awareness, it may be a very long time before she does anything about either problem.
  • Trixie loves her little caravan wagon; it's her zone of safety and warmth in a cold and uncaring world. We all know what happens to that wagon in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S1 E6 "Boast Busters".
    • And the next one she buys gets vandalized. We don't know what happens after that, but she isn't pulling any wagon in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S3 E5 "Magic Duel", we know that at one point she survives only by working on the Pie Rock Farm, and she says "I don't trust wheels" as part of the insanity creeping over her from the Alicorn Amulet. Poor little showmare.
  • The abuse Trixie suffers in general all through the series. Yeah, she's a Jerkass, but fundamentally all she wants to do is entertain audiences. She's not evil, just annoying, and she fails again and again, until she finds an Expy of the One Ring of Power and it seizes her soul. The extreme gratitude she shows toward Twilight Sparkle at the end of "Magic Duel" makes it obvious that she was enjoying that about as much as was Smeagol, which is to say it was horrible psychological torture. She did not deserve this degree of suffering for merely being arrogant.
