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Tear Jerker / AKBingo!

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  • Every special episode dedicated to soon-graduated members. It's filled with their best moments in the show as well as their parting message. However, Maeda Atsuko and Watanabe Mayu episode arguably the saddest. The former because she is considered the face of the group and the first of the original Kami 7 to graduated, the latter for she is pretty much the group most successful classic-type idol as well as the last of the original Kami 7 to graduated.
  • Everybody cries when the Bad Boys express their profound gratitude (this show was their first regular TV job as comedians) and leave the show in episode 395.
  • In episode 521, Ma Chia-Ling reveals that many people look down on her, don't consider her a real AKB member, and believe she will never make it in Japan, because she's not Japanese.
