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Recap / Yu Gi Oh Anime S 2 E 67 Mime Control 3

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Yugi continues to struggle in his duel against Strings and his Egyptian God Card, Slifer the Sky Dragon. With an ever-growing hand thanks to Infinite Cards, Slifer's attack points seem virtually limitless, and even if it wasn't too powerful, Revival Jam is still intercepting all of Yugi's attacks. Fortunately, Yugi ends up finding a way to make Slifer's power work against it, attacking Revival Jam and using Brain Control to take control of it just as it is re-forming, forcing Slifer to attack it with its second mouth, and causing an endless loop. Thanks to Card of Safe Return, Strings is forced to keep drawing more cards every time Revival Jam regenerates, eventually running out of cards to draw and automatically losing the duel. The good news is Yugi has won and is now the owner of an Egyptian God Card. The bad news? Marik has decided to turn his attention toward Yugi's friends!


  • Big "NO!": Marik shouts it after Strings runs out of cards to draw.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Yugi is able to win the duel by turning his opponent's strategy against them. By taking control of Revival Jam, Slifer is forced to use its ability on it, destroying it and it instantly reviving, and Strings drawing three cards. However, Revival Jam revives on Yugi's side of the field, starting the process all over again and repeating in a never-ending cycle until Yugi automatically wins once Strings runs out of cards to draw.
  • Instant-Win Condition: Unable to get to Strings' life points, Yugi wins the duel this way instead, forcing Strings to run out of cards to draw.
  • This Cannot Be!:
Marik: It can’t be! How can I lose with an Egyptian God Card in my deck?!
  • Wham Episode: Yugi gains ownership of one of the three Egyptian God Cards, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and Marik is now targeting his friends.
